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12:25 Customs house detained 6.59t meat products
12:24 Chervonskiy Tsukrovyk updates production facilities due to US$2.05 million loan
12:24 Jul cheeses output down 3.2%, to 24.282t
12:23 Jul flour output up 19%, to 209.260t translated
12:22 Jul bread output up 2.8%, to 186.384t
12:22 Aug 1 wheat reserves estimated 10 million tons
12:21 Regions purchased 2005 grain 400.000t
12:21 Producers initiating 2005/06 beet minimal prices growth from UAH141/t up to UAH230/t
12:20 Ukrtsukor considers UAH3.500/t sugar price (2005 beet) to be optimal
12:20 State Reserve purchased 300t meat on 15 Aug tender
12:17 Ministry of Agrarian Policy forecasts pigs number boosting from 7 up to 10 million heads until 2007
11:59 Baranovskiy glad with Agrarian Fund grain purchasing rates despite only 100.000t purchased
11:47 Jul margarine output up 12.3%, to 23.630t
11:46 Customs house detained 3t meat products
11:46 Jul sunoil output down 18.4%, to 68.200t
11:45 Crimean Ministers Council to purchase 2005 grain 188.000t from agrarians
11:45 State Reserve to sell 5.000t flour in Sept
11:44 State Reserve to sell 500.000t grain in Sept
11:43 Baranovskiy declares Bread of Ukraine purchasing 2005 grain badly due to financial problems
11:42 Ministry of Agrarian Policy for 2005-2006 beet/sugar minimal prices growth
11:41 Cabinet can raise 2005/06 sugar and beet minimal prices up to UAH3.200/t and UAH220/t
11:41 Jul groats output up 7%, to 19.100t
11:40 Jul mixed feeds output up 8.2%, to 179.600t
11:40 USDA bettered Ukrainian 2005/06 wheat export forecast by 10%, up to 5.5 million tons
11:39 Agrarians harvested 2005 rape 235.000t
11:38 Agrarians harvested 2005 barley 9.4 million tons
11:37 Agrarians harvested 2005 wheat 19.3 million tons
11:37 Agrarians harvested 2005 grain 30.5 million tons
11:35 State Reserve to sell canned milk 449.950 cans in Sept
11:35 State Reserve to sell 2.760t salt in Sept
11:35 Ministry of Agrarian Policy forecasts rape sown areas (2006 crop) enlarging from 207.300 ha up to 700.000 ha
11:34 Ministry of Agrarian Policy bettered sugar output forecast (2005 beet) up 3.3%, to 1.86 million tons
11:34 Baranovskiy declares Cabinet imported 150.000t raw sugar instead of 300.000t due to Yushchenko interference
11:33 Cabinet purchased 2005 grain 1.4 million tons
11:33 Jul low alcohol drinks output down 1.4%, to 0.575 million dl
11:32 Jul grape wine output up 36%, to 1.344 million dl
11:31 Jul cognac output up 17.1%, to 178.000 dl
11:31 Jul flavored yogurts output up 1.6%, to 6.320t
11:30 Jul mayonnaise output down 0.4%, to 13.660t
11:28 Jul yeast output up 2.2%, to 6.870t
11:27 Jul chocolate/cacao containing products output down 11%, to 15.970t
11:27 Jul vodka/hard drinks output up 8%, to 3.3 million dl
11:26 State Reserve to sell canned meat 681.950 cans in Sept
11:26 Yushchenko appointed Sydorenko Land Resources Committee Chairman instead of Danylenko
11:25 Bershadskiy Zernoprodukt started poultry meat processing factory construction
11:24 Crimea established State Reserve UAH3.3/kg sugar prices regulation
11:24 Antimonopoly Committee fined Prod-Invest UAH8.500
11:23 Taxation Administration agreed with banks upon VAT monitoring off-balance accounts opening
11:22 Tymoshenko commissioned Ministry of Agrarian Policy 2006 sugar price policy principles elaborating
10:11 Jun maize export down 1.8%, to 292.622t
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