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14:32 the Russian bakers sound alarm
13:00 2006 pork production became loss-making
12:00 In the USA bilberry boom
11:09 Scientists forecast this year maize crop will total 6.8-7.2 mn MT
10:12 Agrarians attracted UAH2.1 milliard credits
09:59 Century Putin has disposed to consider the problem on a situation in the market of cattle-breeding production
08:59 Melnyk: agrarians are provided with 70% necessary mineral fertilizers
17:08 the USA: falling has stopped - growth of futures for wheat and corn.
16:31 Melnyk: Food Reserve grains stocks are 308,000 MT
15:25 Kazakhstan: « the Second virgin soil »
14:10 Cabinet permitted Agrarian Fund to sell 3 class wheat 92,000 MT
13:42 Belarus: in the center of attention - a sowing-sowing-time.
12:55 Estonia: hens do not wish to bear(carry) white eggs in the spring
11:52 Melnyk: farmers are 70% provided with fertilizers
11:18 Sun InBev has ordered to the Altay farmers 2 thousand t grains
11:13 Earnings from sunflower production 2006 down 24.3% to 23.4%
10:32 2006 grains production profitability boosted to 6.9%
10:02 China: for grants zernoproizvoditelyam it is allocated nearby $1,1 billion
09:20 Russia exports 12 million t grains
17:21 Kharkiv region agrarians have sown early grains at 287,000 ha
16:29 China. 2007 will be favorable for the market of pork
15:01 Ukraine exported 2006 grains 6.6 mn MT
14:15 « Belarus involves investments not for the sake of investments »
13:23 MO: the project on introduction of the equipment on processing cattle-breeding waste
12:50 Rada adopted draft Law “About Agricultural Census”
11:29 FAO predicts record manufacture grain
10:34 On YUUZHD transportations of grain grow
09:00 Ministry of Agrarian Policy to approve farmers financial support scheme
17:36 KHTZ has received certificate ÅÂÐÎ-2 on tractor ÕÒÇ-35
16:23 Ministry of Agrarian Policy estimates Apr 1 sugar reserves 600,000 MT
15:23 the Earth in a Chernobyl zone have not allowed to enter in selkhozoborot
14:02 Ministry of Agrarian Policy: due to warm winter, agrarians have to raise pesticides usage up 1,5 times
13:11 Agrochemistry SAKHO enters into a market Kirghizia
12:10 Ministry of Agrarian Policy: 2007 sunflower sown areas will exceed 3 mn ha
11:45 Kazakhstan opens in Georgia and Azerbaijan zernopererabatyvayushchie factories
10:30 Authorities likely to cancel agrarians mineral fertilizers compensations
10:24 Government to temporary restrict give-and-take meat resources import until Dec 31, 2007
09:43 Ukraine exported 6,6 million t grains of a crop 2006
17:39 Agrarians have sown spring wheat at 0.3 mn ha
16:18 Agrarians have started sugar beet sowing; beet is already sown at 57,000 ha
15:09 In Germany consumption of eggs has decreased
14:38 Agrarians have sown spring grains at 4.2 mn ha
14:00 Agrarians have sown spring barley at 3.3 mn ha
13:31 Kazakhstan: the area under crops will make 18 million in hectares
13:00 Agrarians have sown spring rape at 49,000 ha
12:15 Belarus complex(difficult) year expects?
11:42 Slauta: Bread of Ukraine is likely to sell part assets
10:56 SAKHO builds a federal network of bakeries
10:40 Cabinet to refuse on 2007/08 grains export limitation
09:55 the Breeding cattle from Canada again goes to Russia
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