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EIB and EBRD to provide financing for Grupa Azoty’s expansion

The European Investment Bank (EIB) and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) are teaming up to support further expansion of Grupa Azoty, Poland’s leading chemical and fertiliser company. The agreements, signed in London on Thursday, provide the Polish company with a PLN 700m (EUR EUR 170m) long-term financing facility.

The facility consists of two separate 10-year loans: a PLN 550m (EUR 134m) loan from the EIB and a PLN 150m (EUR 37m) loan from the EBRD. It is a part of a larger PLN 2.2bn (EUR 504m) long-term package designed to finance Grupa Azoty’s growth in line with the company’s 2020 Strategy, which includes plans for further expansion to new markets in the region and overseas. The remaining PLN 1.5bn (EUR 370m) will be provided under a separate loan signed earlier this month with a consortium of Polish banks.

Paweł Jarczewski, CEO of Grupa Azoty, commented, «Through the strong partnership with the EBRD and the EIB, we will be able to tap into the full potential of the Polish chemical industry. Using Poland’s unique success story and geographical location in the heart of Europe, we aim to become a key European player by 2020. Our 2020 Strategy, accepted by the Board last year, envisages a number of world-class investments and an ambitious plan of regional expansion, and I am delighted that the EBRD and the EIB share our vision for the future, for the benefit of Poland and the region.»

EIB President Werner Hoyer commented, «The EU bank is a strong investor in the Polish economy, and remains a committed partner for Polish companies which develop viable projects and strategies.
Our priority is to enhance Poland’s competitiveness by supporting innovative and internationalising companies such as Grupa Azoty. The Group’s strategy goes in the direction of making Europe’s chemical industry more globally competitive and energy efficient, and it is a pleasure for the EIB to be able to support this development.»

EBRD President Sir Suma Chakrabarti, said, «We are happy to provide this loan to Grupa Azoty as it will bolster the successful expansion of this vibrant Polish company, which is growing into an important player on the international market. We are very pleased with the operational and financial results of the company and in full agreement with its strategy which will further strengthen its development. The EBRD remains a committed partner of Grupa Azoty and is ready to consider further support to the company.»

Notes to editors:

About the European Investment Bank
The European Investment Bank (EIB) is the long-term lending institution of the European Union owned by its Member States. It makes long-term finance available for sound investment in order to contribute towards EU policy goals. In 2014, the European Investment Bank lent EUR 77 billion, out of which EUR 5.5 billion was earmarked for projects in Poland.

About Grupa Azoty
Listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange (ticker: WSE:ATT), Grupa Azoty is Poland’s largest chemical company and the European Union’s second-largest producer of fertilisers, while Grupa Azoty products such as melamine, caprolactam, polyamide, OXO alcohols and titanium dioxide also enjoy a strong position in the chemical sector and are used in various other industries.
Following the successful consolidation of the Polish chemical industry, Grupa Azoty currently consists of 46 different entities. The Polish Government declared Grupa Azoty to be a «strategic asset», and the company announced that it was seeking to diversify its portfolio through regional and global acquisitions.

About the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), owned by 64 countries and two intergovernmental institutions, is supporting the development of market economies and democracies.


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