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Did you know? Tea is one of the world’s oldest beverages

Tea is one of the world’s oldest beverages, and is the most consumed drink in the world.
Tea is available in many varieties, which differ according to the applied oxidation and fermentation technique.
Tea cultivation provides employment and income to millions of smallholder growers, who are supplementing or even replacing production of larger tea estates in many countries.
While three quarters of tea produced is consumed domestically, tea is a widely traded and exported commodity.
Over the past decades, the global tea industry has seen rapid growth, with a rising number of consumers globally.
Despite the increase of tea consumption in major producing countries, per capita consumption remains low, suggesting there is still considerable growth potential in these countries.
Drinking tea can bring many healthy benefits, from anti-inflammatory to antioxidant and weight loss effects.
China, Korea and Japan have 4 tea cultivation sites designated as Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems by FAO.

Recognizing the long history and deep cultural and economic significance of tea around the world, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 21 May as International Tea Day, calling on FAO to lead the observance.

Tea production and processing are a main source of livelihoods for millions of families, particularly in developing countries. The celebration promotes the sustainable production, consumption and trade of tea, and offers an opportunity for actors at global, regional and national levels to ensure that the tea sector continues to play a role in reducing extreme poverty, fighting hunger and safeguarding natural resources.

The first observance of the International Tea Day will be celebrated in a virtual event that will bring together the world’s top tea exporting and importing countries as well as major producing countries where tea cultivation is an important source of revenues. Follow the celebration via webcast.

Key messages
Tea production and processing represent a source of livelihoods for millions of families, including millions in least developed countries.
Tea export earnings help to finance food import bills, supporting the economies of major tea-producing countries.
The specific agro-ecological conditions where tea thrives occur in areas which are highly vulnerable to climate change.
In order to ensure benefits for both people and the environment, the tea value chain must be sustainable at all stages, from field to cup.


Press Release
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