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First Spectral Laboratories in official soil testing proficiency program

AgroCares, an AgTech company that develops innovative solutions for farmers worldwide to monitor the quality of soil became the first ever spectral laboratory to enter the global proficiency testing scheme for soil laboratories (WEPAL).

The AgroCares Scanner and Lab-in-a-Box are the first spectral laboratories ever to enter a global proficiency testing scheme for soil laboratories (WEPAL). The WEPAL program is used to assess precision of individual laboratories internally, and to compare the performance of the leading wet chemistry laboratories around the world.

For the Near Infra Read (NIR)-based Scanner, AgroCares will report pH and organic carbon, and will gradually introduce the remaining parameters that the scanner delivers. For the MIR-XRF based Lab-in-a-Box, all macro and micro elements, which are also submitted by AgroCares’ Golden Standard Laboratory will be reported. The Golden Standard Laboratory is AgroCares’ reference lab for its spectroscopic devices and has participated in WEPAL since 2013.

With the participation of the Scanner and the Lab-in-a-Box in the WEPAL program, soil spectroscopy is a step closer to being accepted as a reliable alternative for fast, affordable and accessible soil testing. With this step, the accuracy of spectral technology will be based on repeatability of measurements and deviation from the true value. Farmers all over the world will benefit by making informed decisions based on equally as reliable technology, but much more rapid and affordable.

AgroCares joins the Global Soil Laboratory Network and works on an ISO certification for soil spectroscopy.

Agrocares is involved in two major global initiatives: FAO’s Soil Spectroscopy program within the scope of the Global Soil Laboratory Network (GLOSOLAN) of the Global Soil Partnership (GSP).

Soil spectroscopy and sensor technology are gaining traction and we are proud to play a key role in the process.

About AgroCares:
AgroCares is a Dutch AgroTech company, based in Wageningen, The Netherlands with a passionate team of soil scientists, agronomists, IT specialists and lab analysts. At AgroCares, we contribute to solving the world food gap by providing the people who produce our food with the means and services to achieve a sustainable yield and production increase. From bringing basic soil fertility knowledge to small holder farmers to enabling large agro holdings to monitor field variation of soil nutrients or on-site management of nutrients in animal feed. AgroCares is part of HLB Holding, the Netherlands and provides services to measure nutrients in soil (SoilCares) and feed (FeedCares). AgroCares has also developed a Scoutbox to count and identify harmful insects in greenhouses (InsectCares).


Press Release
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