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Practical Conference “AGRO.INN: Innovational aspects of development of agricultural sector”

Under this title on the 5th of October 2010 in Donetsk will take place the regular event in the frames of the Project “2010 – Year of innovations in Donetsk region”. Organizer: Conference House Company. Under support of Donetsk regional State Administration and Donets region Council. General Partner – international company Deloitte. The conference is held under the auspices of the Third International Economic Summit.
Main problem of realization of innovation strategy in agrarian sector consists in that the pace of extension and structure of sector of agrarian researches and developments are not fully answers to agriculture needs and growing demand on modern technologies. At the same time proposed scientific results are not implemented because of imbalance of innovational system and also because of low profit of farmer sector. It is obvious that the State should play the main role in solving of these problems by developing the complex program of innovational development of the industry, determining priorities and establishing system of measures of direct and indirect regulation.

The aim of the Conference: To consider specificity of innovations in agrarian sector, determine perspective opportunities and sources of financing of innovation activity of agrarian enterprises.

Main issues:
• From fundamental researches up to discover of innovational market niches.
• Maintenance of scientific and technical sphere by financial and material resources.
• Main directions of innovation activity of AIC enterprises.

Invited participants: General, technical and financial directors of agrarian enterprises; representatives of banks and non banking financial institutions; representatives of legal, audit and consulting companies; heads of authority bodies of Donetsk Region and other Ukrainian regions; representatives of NRI, leading international organizations and funds.

Detailed information and registration by phone 044 541 1838 or Organizers’ web site – www.ch.kiev.ua.


Press Release
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