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Prime Minister Oleksiy Honcharuk introduced new Head of State GeoCadastre

Prime Minister of Ukraine Oleksiy Honcharuk introduced the new Head of the State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre Denys Bashlyk.

«Today we are here to radically change the attitude of people to the sphere of land relations, in particular to the State GeoCadastre as a body responsible for providing administrative services», said Oleksiy Honcharuk.

The Prime Minister set clear tasks for the new leader: «Within two months to carry out a thorough check, to purge the Service of anyone with whom corruption in the State GeoCadastre is associated among the society. To update management board through transparent open competitions.»

The Prime Minister stressed that it is extremely important to complete orthophotography next year: «This will be a good basis for filling the cadastres, we will have the so-called Big Data, which is indispensable for the effective launch of land reform.»

«In summer we have to complete an inventory of agricultural land so that there are no conflicts in the field of land relations. This is our objective,» Oleksiy Honcharuk emphasized.

The Prime Minister also addressed the employees: «If you are decent and professional employees ready to work, please help the new leader. We must get rid of corruption and fraud in synergy. If you do not agree — turn in your resignation. Let’s not waste time.»

It should be noted that earlier Denys Bashlyk headed the Department of International Cooperation and Land Market at the State GeoCadastre. He is the initiator of successful large-scale international projects with the World Bank, USAID, Kartverket. Co-author of a number of innovative initiatives in the land market sector, including the creation of a land relations monitoring system.

As a reminder, the new Head of the State GeoCadastre was appointed by an Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine dated November 27, 2019.

Communications Department of the Secretariat of the CMU


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