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Enzymatically treated soybean meal improves performance in birds with necrotic enteritis.

Hamlet Protein presented new trial, carried out at Southern Poultry Feed and Research, at PSA.

The PSA Annual Meeting 2019 just took place in Montreal, Canada July 15–18. PSA’s (Poultry Science Association’s) overall objective is to create a forum for exchanging information and stimulate novelty and dissemination of knowledge within poultry. It is one of the leading poultry conferences in the world. Hamlet Protein’s study was selected for an oral presentation at PSA. The presentation entitled «Effect of an enzyme-treated soy protein on the performance of broiler chickens infected or uninfected with Clostridium perfringens» was presented by Hamlet Protein’s Global Poultry Segment Manager Alfred Blanch.

The feeding trial that was carried out at Southern Poultry Feed and Research in Georgia, USA with Greg Mathis and Brett Lumpkins concluded that dietary protein makes a big difference when it comes to enteric disorders. The addition of enzyme treated soy protein (ESP) in starter diets, with a very low content of soy anti-nutritional factors, with or without antibiotic growth promoters, equals the weight of the birds infected with Clostridium perfringens and their FCR to that of uninfected chickens.

«The dietary protein quality counts a lot if necrotic Clostridium perfringens confronts your flock», says Alfred Blanch, Global Poultry Segment Manager at Hamlet Protein.

The basal diet composition and, particularly, the dietary protein, plays a crucial role in the genesis of necrotic enteritis. In this sense, the reduction of soy anti-nutritional factors in starter diets for broiler chickens may be a good strategy to palliate the performance impairment due to mild necrotic enteritis outbreaks. Thus, the addition of HP AviStart, an enzymatically treated soybean meal (ESBM), in the starter diet, with or without antibiotic growth promoters, equals the performance of Clostridium perfringens-infected broiler chickens to that of uninfected chickens. In other words, HP AviStart supplementation in starter diets will result in performance improvements in birds with necrotic enteritis, regardless of the use of antibiotic growth promoters.

«With or without antibiotics, dietary protein makes a big difference when it comes to enteric disorders. The inclusion of HP AviStart, with a very low content of ANFs in starter feed may be a suitable tool to maintain the performance of the birds when it comes to coccidia vaccine and/or ABF broiler production systems», concludes Alfred Blanch.


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