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Tour de Fresh, presented by The California Giant Foundation, is excited to announce that sponsorship opportunities are now available for its sixth annual ride, which takes place in the fall of 2019 along the majestic Big Sur Highway One, California.

The Tour is committed to providing a variety of sponsorships levels that make it easy for companies within the fresh produce industry, and affiliated industries, to get involved and help meet the goal of donating 50+ salad bars to schools. After celebrating half a decade of fundraising efforts with its incredibly successful 2018 ride placing over 40 salad bars in 2018, Tour de Fresh is thrilled to proceed into 2019 with another premier event for the industry and continue making fresh produce accessible to students across the U.S..

The 2019 Tour de Fresh sponsorship packages offer companies customized benefits based on sponsorship level, along with year-round media exposure and marketing opportunities. Last year’s sponsors were included in more than 250 media placements in trade and consumer publications, which earned their brands more than 117 million total impressions and over $48,000 in ad equivalency per brand.

«This year will be a milestone for the Tour with the potential of reaching one million dollars raised that directly put fresh fruits and vegetables on the plates of hungry school age children across the country, since the event’s inception,» said Cindy Jewell, vice president of marketing for California Giant Berry Farms. «We are proud to bring together individuals and companies that share the common passion in this industry to join together supporting this ride helping to improve the health of our nation.»

This year’s Tour de Fresh event will include a cyclist’s dream route beginning October 12th in Monterey California, down the coastline of Big Sur, and ending in Anaheim on October 16th. This event not only provides significant sponsorship and fundraising opportunities for companies to engage directly with a cause that they are passionate about, but also brings friends and colleagues within the industry together for quality personal time before one of the biggest tradeshows of the year. Additionally, with the coastal route through some prime ag land, potential sponsors can host the group at their facility as the group passes through the central coast, Santa Maria, and Oxnard.

«Tour de Fresh is an amazing opportunity to work with our industry to not only give back to a worthy cause, but one with an initiative that aligns with our core values,» said Daniel Cooke, senior director of marketing at Americold. «As soon as this year’s ride completed we couldn’t wait to sign back up for sponsorship in 2019 — we are proud to continue being part of the Tour de Family.»

In 2019 the Tour will still continue to offer its most popular sponsorships such as Finish Line and Premier, while also launching exciting new sponsorships such as Tour de «Refresh» which allows the sponsor to work with Tour organizers to create a custom branded beer to provide to Tour participants at the end each day. Opportunities to join confirmed sponsors — California Giant, Americold, DMA Solutions, Sakata, Fight Like a Girl Foundation, PMA, and Paramount Export — are now available.

About Tour de Fresh
Tour de Fresh, presented by The California Giant Foundation, is the first-of-its-kind, collaborative event that unites the most significant brands and influencers in the fresh produce industry for a four-day cycling event that raises funds to benefit the Salad Bars to Schools campaign. In its first five years (2014-2018), Tour de Fresh placed more than 240 salad bars in schools across the country. Sponsors and participants alike strongly believe that providing healthy eating opportunities for school children should be a requirement, which keeps this event thriving year after year.

About Salad Bars to Schools
Salad Bars to Schools is a public health campaign to increase salad bars in schools across the country so that every child has the choice of healthy fruits and vegetables every day at school. Salad Bars to Schools supports former First Lady Michelle Obama's Let's Move! Initiative to end childhood obesity in a generation. Salad Bars to Schools founding partners are: The United Fresh Start Foundation, National Fruit and Vegetable Alliance, the Chef Ann Foundation and Whole Kids Foundation.


Press Release
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