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United Fresh Releases Quarterly Retail & Foodservice Trends Reports

United Fresh has released two quarterly retail and foodservice trends reports. The FreshFacts® on Retail Q3 2018 report, produced in partnership with Nielsen Fresh, measures retail price and sales trends for the top 10 fruit and vegetable commodities as well as other value-added produce categories. Developed in partnership with Datassential, a leading market research firm dedicated to the food Industry, Fresh Insights for Foodservice Fall 2018 issue uses data from Datassential’s extensive menu database, MenuTrends, and provides a comprehensive look at how chefs and restaurants are featuring fresh produce on their menu, along with broader applications for retail, meal kits and more.
The FreshFacts® on Retail report’s data is enhanced by Nielsen’s Total Food View, which increases coverage of fresh data in 92,000 U.S. stores in the Food and Drug channels plus key Mass, Dollar, Club and Military retailers. The report also features category spotlights on onions, peppers and oranges, and looks at consumer awareness of marketing claims and their impact on produce sales.
«Marketing claims are frequesntly discussed in United Fresh’s Produce Marketing & Merchandising Council meetings,» said Mary Coppola, United Fresh’s Senior Director of Marketing & Communications. «To gain insight into consumer awareness of these claims is critical in choosing how to speak to consumers about your products.»
In contrast, the Fresh Insights for Foodservice Fall issue details «in-season» Fall menu options like apples and butternut squash, and checks in on breakfast bowls and how these sweet and savory menu items rely on fresh produce for flavor and texture. In the «On the Horizon» section, readers will explore spring menu trends, focusing on radishes, honeydew, and how entrée salads make use of a growing range of produce options.
This quarter’s «Chain Report» section highlights fresh options recently added to major chain menus, including dishes featuring oranges, broccoli and green beans. Finally, the «View From Above» section covers K-12 school foodservice and the growing range of produce options that are appearing on these kid-friendly menus.
«We are excited that K-12 school foodservice will be highlighted in this issue of Fresh Insights for Foodservice. School districts are high volume buyers that can have a significant impact on kids’ produce choices now, and in the future. And more and more, we’re seeing school foodservice directors include a variety of fresh produce items on their menus,» said Andrew Marshall, United Fresh’s Director of Foodservice & Foundation Partnerships.
Both reports are developed with input and guidance from the United Fresh Retail-Foodservice Board, a United Fresh market segment board focused on the needs and issues of greatest concern to retail supermarkets and foodservice operators whose goal is to provide the supermarket and restaurant industries with tools and services that allow them to maximize the value and sales of fresh produce in their own marketing channels.

Founded in 1904, the United Fresh Produce Association brings together companies across every segment of the fresh produce supply chain, including growers, shippers, fresh-cut processors, wholesalers, distributors, retailers, foodservice operators, industry suppliers and allied associations. We empower industry leaders to shape sound government policy. We deliver the resources and expertise companies need to succeed in managing complex business and technical issues. We provide the training and development individuals need to advance their careers in produce. And, through these endeavors, we unite our industry with a common purpose — to build long-term value for our members and grow produce consumption.


Press Release
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