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Mais has launched construction of a modern seeds’ plant

Company Mais (Dnipropetrovsk) has started constructing a new seeds’ plant with a design capacity of 5,000 MT of ready products per season. Plant’s commissioning is scheduled for the Q1 of 2014.
«We will receive the seeds for 2014-sowing already at the new plant, which is to be built and fitted with modern equipment. We have all conditions to do that quickly,» Mais Board Chairman Viktor Borisov says.
Besides, Mais is going to construct two similar plants in different regions of Ukraine in 2015 and 2016.
Project resources will be provided through the attraction of both Mais’s own and borrowed funds: thus, in particular, the usage of optimal programs of European financial institutions is expected.
Technological project of the new seeds’ plants includes the latest engineering achievements of famous brands. All the new exclusive designing and technological solutions used in the technological project are distinguished with maximum automation, adaptive flexibility to the morphological and biological diversity of raw materials as well as soft non-damaging modes applied within all the path which the seed material goes through.
Bringing into operation of the new seeds’ plants is to assure rise of the Mais seeds’ production volumes together with improvement of competitive advantages of the branded Mais seeds in compliance with international standards.

Now, Company Mais sells seeds on the markets of neighboring countries in Eastern Europe and is going to further develop its export programs.
Mais’s priority is a task-oriented development of promising new seed markets in order to assure promotion of its competitive selection work — what is to be supported by bringing into operation of the new seeds’ plants as an integrated component of the strategic plans for Company Mais development.

Research and Production Farm Economy Company Mais is one of those Ukrainian leading private research centers specializing in maize breeding which have a complete closed cycle of seeds’ production: from performing research works on hybrid maize development and creation up to seeds’ production and self-dependent sales.
Mais owns 3 seeds’ plants (2 — in Dnipropetrovsk region).
Within 20 years of its active development, Company Mais has brought to the markets of Ukraine and other countries over 60 maize hybrids (FAO 160-FAO 500 maturity groups) suitable for growing in all soil-climatic zones of maize cultivation; hybrids are characterized with high productivity, drought resistance and high speed of grains’ drying within ripening period.
Since 1999, Mais is the only associate member of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) among all CIS countries.
In 2013, Mais became a full member of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA).

Mais press service


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