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Not only is Growing together BKT’s corporate motto, it also epitomizes its philosophy, and it was the central theme at the third International Marketing Meeting attended by the marketing managers of BKT’s distribution partners.
The event organized by the team of BKT Europe was held on January 26 and 27 at the Quality Hotel San Martino at Garbagnate Monastero, in the Lecco Province. The many activities of the two-day event were dedicated to marketing, sales promotion, and communication: opportunities for sharing the results achieved, moments of training and teambuilding, briefing sessions for sharing objectives and strategies for a 2017 under the sign of Growing together.

«Our Marketing Meeting is an essential moment,» Ms Lucia Salmaso, AD of BKT Europe, says. «It is a unique opportunity of exchanging ideas face-to-face with our distributors and partners, and for sharing results, expectations, proposals, goals, and directions. Together we can ponder the strategies with regards to the global market in order to face the year 2017 with determination and the strong spirit of a joint and united group.»

It is the third edition of this important Marketing Meeting, where the BKT Europe team met — along with the teams of the Indian headquarters and the US subsidiary — the marketing managers of the companies distributing BKT products, who came from 36 different countries and 5 continents.
This is an important indicator for BKT’s grade of internationality, and is representative for its wide-spread distribution network reaching out 130 countries worldwide.
In detail, BKT hosted the heads of marketing coming from Albania, Saudi Arabia, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, India, Iran, Italy, Kosovo, Kuwait, Latvia, Macedonia, Morocco, New Zealand, Norway, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Qatar, United Kingdom, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovenia, Sudan, Sweden, Turkey, Uganda and the USA.

The Marketing Meeting has proven to be an essential tool fostering the direct exchange of ideas between the company and its partners in relation to communication strategies, trade show participation, planning for press related and social media activities, and much more.

About BKT:
Balkrishna Industries Ltd. (BKT) is an Indian based tire manufacturer. The BKT group offers a large and always updated production range of Off-Highway tires specially designed for vehicles in the agricultural, industrial, earthmoving, mining, ATV and gardening sector. BKT’s innovative solutions designed for the most differing user needs include more than 2,400 products sold in over 130 countries worldwide.


Press Release
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