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Macfrut 2017: international boom

Macfrut keeps growing. The 34th edition of the international trade fair for the fruit and vegetable sector, to be held in Rimini from 10 to 12 May 2017, will be larger (8 pavilions instead of 7 as in last year’s edition), more innovative and, above all, more international. In addition to the many new features introduced in recent months, these numbers show a change of direction that began three years ago and is still ongoing: three months before the event, the number of international exhibitors has already increased by 30% compared to last year’s edition, with 40 participating countries including many new entries from all five continents.

This number also includes new emerging companies in the international scene, from countries such as Angola, Ethiopia, Uganda, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Uruguay. Delegations of traders from Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa, Senegal, Ghana and many other countries will also be present. This overview highlights the key role to be played by Africa.

«In last year’s edition of Macfrut, in line with the appeal made by Kofi Annan, we launched the idea of fruit and vegetables as a driving force for the growth and development of the African States — explains Renzo Piraccini, President of Macfrut — On this occasion, 18 representatives were present including ambassadors and sales departments from Sub-Saharan Africa. The appeal did not go unheard, and this can be seen in the huge presence of African countries and in their interest in trading with Italy and Europe».

Sudan is the perfect example: in 2015 it was merely a visitor, in 2016 it had one stand of producers and, in the 2017 edition, it will take part with two large exhibition areas, one for producers/exporters and another for importers, with more than 30 companies attending.
«Sudan imports large amounts of fruit and vegetables from Italy (especially apples and frozen strawberries), not directly but via the UAE or Egypt — Piraccini continues — It now wishes to come to Rimini to establish direct trade relations with Italians exporters. Sudan reflects Africa’s interests, since, at Macfrut, it seeks buyers for its produce, but also to acquire technology, know-how, and even fruit and vegetables.»
Another new participating country will be Angola, which will have a maxi stand, featuring the participation of «Rede Camponesa», a group of more than 30 companies interested in developing trade contacts but especially in improving their fruit and vegetable supply chain.

Many other new features are planned and new visitors are expected: delegations of professional traders from Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan will attend the event for the first time. Other participants will include several Northern European countries, particularly interested in organic produce, which will be one of the focuses of this year’s edition of Macfrut, with an area dedicated to conferences, meetings and launches of new products, namely, «Macfrut Bio».


Press Release
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