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Green Week 2017: O p e n i n g R e p o r t - Where tradition and innovation meet

Food and agricultural show with 1,650 exhibitors from 66 countries — Partner country Hungary on display in Hall 10.2 ‘Rich in tradition, diverse and natural’ — New Market Hall 12 with street food and specialist producers
GFFA is the world’s leading agricultural policy conference —
Three German government ministries with their own display areas
The best-attended trade fair in Berlin, and the one with the longest tradition, will be welcoming experts, the trade and the general public from 20 to 29 January. Now taking place for the 82nd time, the International Green Week Berlin 2017 (IGW) provides an overview of the worldwide food industry as well as the largest range of regional specialities to be found at any trade show. In addition it offers a unique display by agriculture and horticulture along with numerous attractive shows dealing with specialist topics. Hungary is the partner country of the IGW 2017 and is taking part for the 45th time since 1972. A total of 1,650 exhibitors from 66 countries will be inviting the public to experience their products, which also include luxury foods and beverages. With its many exhibits aimed at the professionals, backed up by a programme of conferences, this event serves the entire agricultural sector as a source of information and contacts. All 118,000 square metres of available hall space at the Berlin ExpoCenter City, located around the city’s radio tower, the Funkturm, are occupied. Messe Berlin, the organisers, expect some 400,000 trade visitors and members of the public to attend the ten-day event.
Dr. Christian Göke, Chief Executive Officer of Messe Berlin GmbH: «A meeting place for the leading figures in international agricultural policy and a unique experience for the general public: This year the Green Week will again fulfil this dual role. This is where tradition and innovation meet. The fascination exerted by the Green Week attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors and brings the representatives of international agribusiness to Berlin. It is this combination of a trade show and an event for the general public that has ensured the continued popularity of the Green Week since it its inception in 1926.»
At the heart of the conference programme is the 9th Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2017 (GFFA), from 19 to 21 January. Organised by the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture, its keynote subject is ‘Agriculture and Water — the Key to Feeding the world’. At this, the world’s pre-eminent conference on agricultural policy, some 70 ministers of agriculture and deputy ministers, leading representatives of agriculture and the food industry, as well as key international figures from politics, business, science and civil society, will be discussing some of the most pressing issues facing humankind. In addition a meeting of the ministers of agriculture of the G20 nations will be taking place on 22 January in Berlin. In July Germany will host the G20 summit, to be attended by the heads of state and of governments of the 20 leading industrial and emerging nations, who will be addressing various financial and economic questions. This event will be preceded by a series of ministerial meetings, including one to be attended by ministers of agriculture.
The German government is particularly well represented this year. The traditional show organised by the Federal Ministry of Agriculture in Hall 23a will focus on ‘Agriculture at the Heart of Society’. Meanwhile, in Hall 5.2a, the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Federal Ministry for the Environment have chosen as their topic ‘Fair living conditions, fair consumers and fair trade’.
Browse, discover, sample: there will now be plenty of opportunities in the newly designed Market Hall (12), with its concentrated range of the outstanding foods, luxury foods and beverages which can be found in fashionable market halls. In a lively setting a wide range of exhibitors will be presenting everything from street food to craft beers and the most diverse delicacies made by small producers.
The opening ceremony of the 82nd Green Week will take place at 6 p.m. on 19. January at the CityCube Berlin. Hungary, the partner country, is responsible for the supporting programme and subsequent reception for some 3,600 invited guests from 100 countries. Visitors to the Green Week can learn more about the land of the Magyars in Hall 10.2, as well as sampling the many Hungarian delicacies available there. In 2017 the slogan of the Hungary hall is ‘Rich in tradition, diverse, natural: Hungary’.
The International Green Week Berlin 2017 is organised by Messe Berlin GmbH. Its non-commercial sponsors are the German Farmers’ Union (DBV) and the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE).
The sponsoring organisations stated their views on the current situation in the industry at today’s opening press conference as follows:
Joachim Rukwied, President of the German Farmers’ Union (DBV): «German farmers contribute enormously to the country’s economy, rural areas and society. That is why farming is an industry of the future, even if the situation has been economically very difficult for farmers over the past two years. Since the turn of the year the agricultural markets have been showing signs of improvement, and that gives us cause for optimism. In any event, we are firmly committed to actively supporting our farmers. The main object is to make them more competitive, create better market conditions, to support a practical agricultural policy that is less bureaucratic, and to make further progress with livestock maintenance and crop cultivation. The conditions under which livestock are kept and their health are of particular concern to our farmers.
Maintaining high standards for farming and foodstuffs is a challenge that farmers, consumers, traders and retailers must confront together and in a responsible manner. We, as farmers, look forward to a dialogue and are intent on shaping the future of agriculture. The International Green Week 2017 will provide us with answers and show the way forward.»
Christoph Minhoff, Chairman of the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE): «The German food industry reported a positive balance sheet for 2016: According to the latest estimates there was not only an improvement in turnover by two per cent to 172 billion euros, but also in exports, which rose by 3.3 per cent compared with the previous year, leading to a new record high of 56.6 billion euros for 2016. The food industry safeguards prosperity and employment, as well as promoting sustainability, and in particular it guarantees food security in Germany. We call upon politicians to finally acknowledge the role of Germany’s third largest industry, and to work together with this industry in order to create the right set of conditions for a market environment that meets the requirements of this sector. It is only in this way that the industry’s long term international competitiveness can be secured in the face of the more challenging market conditions that exist at home and abroad.»
Exhibitors from all parts of the world
Food from all parts of the world and specialities from local regions will occupy some two-thirds of the display area at the International Green Week 2017. For the first time exhibitors from Cambodia will also be at the Green Week.
The following 32 countries will be represented officially with combined national displays: Afghanistan (Hall 18), Albania (18), Austria (15.1), Azerbaijan (6.2a), Bulgaria (11.2), Chile (6.2a), China (6.2a), Croatia (18), Czech Republic (8.2), Denmark (8.2), Estonia (8.2), Finland (8.2), France (11.2), Georgia (7.2c), Greece (6.2a), Hungary (10.2), Italy (17), Latvia (8.2), Liechtenstein (17), Lithuania (8.2), Malta (18), Morocco (18), Netherlands (18), Norway (8.2), Poland (11.2), Portugal (18), Romania (18), Slovenia (18), Switzerland (17), Thailand (6.2a), Tunisia (6.2a), Uzbekistan (6.2b).
In addition, importers and/or exporters will be representing the following 33 countries: Armenia (Halls 6.2.b + 7.2c), Belarus (7.2b), Belgium (6.2a + b), Brazil (6.2a), Cambodia (7.2b), Canada (7.2c), Colombia (7.2b), Dominican Republic (7.2b), India (6.2a), Iran (6.2b + 7.2 b), Ireland (7.2b/c), Ivory Coast (7.2c), Kenya (7.2b), Kosovo (6.2b), Lebanon (6.2a), Luxembourg (7.2a), Madagascar (12), Mongolia (6.2b), Nepal (7.2c), New Zealand (7.2b), Peru (6.2a), Russia (18), Rwanda (7.2c), Senegal (7.2c), South Korea (12), Spain (6.2a + 7.2b), Sri Lanka (7.2c), Sweden (11.2), Turkey (7.2c), UK (7.2b), Ukraine (7.2a), USA (7.2a), Vietnam (12).
In 2017 there will again be a focus on local regions. Occupying nine halls, around 500 exhibitors from 14 federal states will be presenting the largest range of domestic delicacies to be found at any trade show, with the emphasis on authenticity, flavour and in particular local regions. For ten days Germany’s regions, from the coast to the Alps, will be serving up their foodstuffs and luxury foods in the following halls: Baden-Württemberg (Hall 5.2b), Bavaria (22b), Berlin (21b), Brandenburg (21a), Bremen (20), Hesse (22a), Mecklenburg-West Pomerania (5.2b), Lower Saxony (20), North Rhine-Westphalia (5.2a), Rhineland-Palatinate (2.2), Saxony (21b), Saxony-Anhalt (23b), Schleswig-Holstein (22a) and Thuringia (20).
At the ’Food Dialogue’ displays in Hall 22a the Federation of German Food and Drink Industries (BVE) and the Federation of Food Law and Food Science (BLL) will be providing easily understood dietary information and knowledge about foods.
Visitors keen on exploring new culinary horizons can fully satisfy their desires at the various product markets. They include the Bio Hall (1.2b) whose slogan is ’More Room for Life’ and the Seafood Market (14.1). Once again, the ‘Weinwerk’ will provide an exclusive display of German winegrowers’ products next door to the Floral Hall (Hall 2.2. A new feature is the ’DiVin’ International Wine Presentation in Hall 1.2a. Covering a display area of 800 square metres 25 exhibitors representing over 60 winegrowers will be presenting award-winning wines from both Germany and abroad.
Experience the reality of agriculture
The Farm Experience is an opportunity to learn about the many achievements of agriculture and the food industry in a display featuring almost 60 contributors. This initiative is being presented jointly by the German Farmers’ Union and the association known as Verein information.medien.agrar and is coordinated by Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft (Modern Agriculture Forum). The main focus is on the first meal of the day, which is also the most important one for many Germans: breakfast. The various points in the display are intended to illustrate the knowledge and innovation that form the basis for a good quality breakfast in Germany today.
There will be plenty of action and outstanding breeds in the Livestock Hall (25). From 20 to 22 January this will be the venue for the 8th National Heavy Horse Show, organised by the German Equestrian Association (FN) and featuring some 90 horses from such domestic breeds as Rheinisch-Deutsches Kaltblut, Süddeutsches Kaltblut, Schleswiger Kaltblut und Schwarzwälder Kaltblut. The Main Show Ring will be presenting Fjord Ponies for the first time on 28 and 29 January at the FN National Show for Fjord Stallions. Old and new breeds of dairy and beef cattle will also be on show. The origins and advantages of various breeds of sheep and goats will also be included in the programme, as will the subject of sustainable woodland management using different teams of animals to haul timber without the need for heavy machinery. As well as peacock goats, Uckermark and Rotvieh cattle, mules and heavy horses, the display will also include some old-established domestic breeds. These will include ducks, Thuringian Forest goats, Schwäbisch-Hällisch pigs, German Black Pied cattle, Domestic and Poitou donkeys, Rheinisch-Deutsch heavy horses and Red cattle. In 2017 the Association for the Preservation of Old and Endangered Domestic Breeds (GEH) is presenting three breeds of ducks, the German Pekin, the Orpington and the Muscovy, as the ‘Endangered Domestic Breeds of the Year’.
In Hall 23a the Federal Ministry for Food and Agriculture (BMEL) is setting up a display area packed with information under the heading of ‘Agriculture at the Heart of Society’. As well as modern and sustainable agriculture and forestry it also focuses on rural areas as places in which to live and work, and on nutritional expertise and sensible consumption.
Four elements of rural areas are combined in the display in Hall 4.2. The exhibitors contributing to the show ‘Keen on the country — working together for rural areas’ are presenting some practical approaches, ideas and projects from and for the countryside. ‘Multitalented Wood’ includes many activities featuring the different aspects of this subject. Foresters will be presenting examples of sustainable woodland and forestry management, while innovative companies will be providing details about efficient timber processing and how heating with wood helps to protect the climate and reduce CO2 emissions. There will be plenty of sawing and planing, and climbing about too. The nature.tec — the special show on the biobased economy is the place to learn all about this subject: Examples of biobased economy are provided by wooden keep-fresh containers, biodiesel made from rape oil, shampoo bottles made from wheat, maize for warmth and comfort, car parts made from castor oil plants, insulation materials from hemp, and hydraulic oil made from sunflowers. They all represent a modern economic system in which products and energy are no longer obtained from finite raw materials such as crude oil, but in particular from renewable raw materials. The German Hunting Association (DJV) represents the interests of some 250,000 hunters. They will be sharing their knowledge about wildlife with visitors in Hall 4.2. The Order of German Falconers, the world`s oldest organisation dedicated to falconry and the protection or raptors, is also represented. Huntsmen will also be demonstrating that the production of a venison goulash or a fox fur are the result of humane hunting methods, which are not only standard practice in Germany but also help to protect various species of animals. The differences between raccoons, badgers and raccoon dogs will be explained by the experts from the Lernort nature team, using an instructional path, and visitors can test their knowledge about this country’s wildlife in an exciting quiz.
The popular World of Pets display can be found in Hall 26. Dozens of dog breeds will be on show here, including Cavalier King Charles Spaniels, Eurasians and Tibetan Terriers. The Berlin Veterinarian Association will be dealing with queries about the correct and responsible way to care for dogs. In the cat section there will be many exclusive breeds, such as Siberian Forest Cats, Somali Cornish Rex and Persians. The German aquarium and terrarium association Verein für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde e. V. — Berlin-Brandenburg is presenting a colourful and dazzling underwater world, Visitors will be able to see fancy rats, stick insects and bullfrogs, as well as bird-eating spiders with their hairy bodies, rodents, bearded dragons and snakes.
The Floral Hall offers a hint of paradise
In the words of Martin Luther, ‘Paradise is everywhere’, and in 2017 this is being applied to a series of events organised by Kulturprojekte Berlin GmbH to mark the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, and involving the International Garden Show IGA Berlin 2017 and the 36th German Evangelical Church Convention. The starting point is provided by the Floral Hall at the Green Week 2017, which takes the famous quotation from Luther as the inspiration for an artistic display of garden design. The numerous plants and tens of thousands of spring flowers are being used to transform Hall 2.2 into a veritable floral paradise. The slogan is intended to emphasise how parks and gardens, allotments and garden shows can enhance our lives and in the best cases, create a sense of paradise.
The Berlin Association of Allotment Gardeners will be selecting an historic interpretation of this subject, thereby providing a link with Luther’s theological ideas about the Reformation. A Luther rose with its five petals, symbolising the world’s five main religions, is surrounded by seasonal shrubs, herbs, berry bushes, flowers and vegetables. The display in another section is devoted to the legendary apple tree from the story of Adam and Eve. Water is also vital as the source of all life on earth, and this element also plays an important part in the display. The presentation by allotment gardeners is rounded off by a varied programme on the stage from radioBERLIN 88,8. Amidst all the colours and scents of the Floral Hall there will also be displays by the IGA, cemetery gardeners and gardening schools, featuring the latest developments and trends in horticulture and floristry.
Regional Star and Professional Centre
With the REGIONAL-STAR’17 food professionals and the International Green Week Berlin are paying tribute to sustainable regional concepts in the food trade. There are awards for concepts on a regional basis from the trade, industry and agriculture which, taking sustainable aspects into account (‘economically successful’, ‘ecologically effective’ and ‘socially responsible’), promote the marketing of regional products. The awards ceremony will take place on 24 January at the Palais am Funkturm.
As a result of the very positive response at the IGW 2016, from 23 to 27 January the Professional Center at Marshall-Haus will again be presenting a range of regional food products from Germany and abroad, specially for the benefit of specialist retailers. As well as their displays on the stands, exhibitors can also present their food products to trade visitors from the food retail sector, catering, gastronomy and the hotel trade, away from all the hectic activity at the trade fair. A new introduction this year is the option to include product quality seals and certificates along with important delivery specifications.
Green Week young generation
Organisations, institutions and associations are again extending an invitation to attend supplementary lessons in the exhibition halls. Exhibitors have prepared more than 100 fascinating and instructive items for the over 20,000 pupils of all ages who are expected to attend. They can smell bio-active substances, hold a giant Malasian stick insect, prepare a healthy bread snack or find out about a career as a beekeeper, organic retailer or looking after animals: The schools programme offers everyday knowledge presented by experts.
Information for visitors
Messe Berlin has opening times and ticket prices to suit every type of visitor, both for planned and spontaneous visits. The show is open daily to the general public and trade visitors from 10 a.m. until 6 p.m., and from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. on the ‘Long Friday’ (27 Jan).
Day tickets cost 14 euros. Children under the age of six are admitted free of charge. Reduced rates are available for pupils and students, at a cost of ten euros and, as a new feature, for just five euros on the Sundays of the event (22 and 29 Jan.). Each day from Monday to Friday from 2 p.m. Happy Hour tickets are available for ten euros (except Saturdays and Sundays), and Family Tickets (max. 2 adults and max. 3 children up to the age of 14) can be purchased for 29 euros. A Sunday Ticket is only valid on 22 or 29 Jan. at a cost of ten euros. These days are ideal for a family outing. A day ticket for groups of 20 or more costs 12 euros per person, and for parties of schoolchildren (school IDs required) the individual charge is four euros. Unlimited admission to the Green Week costs 42 euros.
Visitors arriving by car
From the A10 (Berliner Ring) take the A100, A111 or A115 to the Funkturm interchange (Autobahndreieck Funkturm). Look for the exit sign ‘Messedamm’. Parking is available at the Olympic Stadium. From here a free shuttle service will take you directly to the north entrance and the southern section of the grounds. The exhibition grounds and the ICC are located outside the city’s Low-Emissions Zone / ‘Umweltzone’. Car drivers arriving on the autobahn and heading directly to the exhibition grounds from the Messegelände/ Messedamm exits are outside the zone and therefore do not need to obtain the requisite windscreen sticker.
How to get there by public transport
(light rail) S5 to Messe Süd; S5, S7 to Westkreuz; S41, S42, S46 to Messe Nord; U-Bahn (underground) U2 to Kaiserdamm or Theodor-Heuss-Platz; bus routes 104, 139, 349, M49, X34, X49 to Messedamm/ZOB (main bus station).
All additional details about booking admission tickets online, low-priced travel offers to Berlin and overnight accommodation in the capital can be found on the internet at www.gruenewoche.com.
You can find general information about exhibitors and products at the Green Week on the website of the Virtual Market Place.
Follow us on Twitter at http://twitter.com/gruenewoche and visit the Green Week on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/internationalegruenewoche.
About the Green Week:
The International Green Week Berlin is among the longest-running trade fairs in the city as well as one of the best-known events in all of Germany. It can now look back on 91 eventful years and in 2017 the doors will open at the Green Week for the 82nd time. No other international exhibition attracting hundreds of thousands of consumers every year has taken place as many times as the Green Week. Originally just a local product mart, it has grown into the world’s largest consumer show for agriculture, food and horticulture. Since 1926 close to 87,000 exhibitors from around 128 countries have presented their wide-ranging products from all over the world to 32.4 million trade visitors and the general public.


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