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MAIS hybrids with high protein content conquering the market of Belarus

As to the results of the variety testing held in the Belarus Republic, the Ukrainian Research and Production Farm Economy Company MAIS DMS2510 maize hybrid has shown the best result as for the crude protein content in the maize grain — 12.6%. The indexes have been registered at the sites of the State Agricultural Company Kobrinskaya Seed Breeding Station (Belarus, Brest region).
This was reported by the Company MAIS press service following the working meeting of Viktor Borisov, Research and Production Farm Economy Company MAIS Head, with representatives of the Belarus Republic State Commission for Variety Testing.
Within the meeting, Director of the Belarus Republic Ministry of Agriculture and Food State Commission for Variety Testing Vladimir Beinia gave the Company MAIS the Certificates issued by the State Commission on the new Ukrainian hybrids’ registration for the Belarus market.
«We were pleasantly surprised to know that in the Belarus Republic the maize harvest, starting from the stage of the new hybrids’ official registration, is examined for the genotypes’ ability to accumulate the crude protein in the grain. Besides, we were doubly pleased to know that our hybrid had shown the best result. The DMS2510 maize hybrid’s crude protein indexes are 20–25% up against other hybrids (from 9% up to 10%) under examination,» Viktor Borisov, Company MAIS Board Chairman, says.
As to Borisov, in Ukraine, no interest to the protein content in the maize grain is, in fact, shown; moreover, this problem isn’t even a top-priority one in the Ukrainian information field as compared with the problems of the maize grain harvest potential indexes and the maize grain moisture content indexes within harvesting. In practice, an especial attention to the estimation of the crude protein content in the grain is shown in Ukraine mainly in cases of food wheat purchases.
However, at the same time, Borisov admits that the crude protein content in the grain influences the animal feeds’ quality. The crude protein content is directly related to the animal feeds’ nutritional value, the animal feeding economic efficiency and the meat and milk quality. The crude protein content is particularly important for the preparation of compound feeds for the poultry industry.
Viktor Borisov praised the professionalism of the State Commission for Variety Testing employees, admitting that the parties are going to continue cooperation in what concerns provision of the Belarus Republic variety testing system with the Company MAIS maize hybrids’ seeds — namely with Bestseller 287 MB and Mriya MS (which are the national standards for different maturity groups and directions of use).
As to the official report, yielding capacity of the Bestseller 287 MB reference hybrid grains at the Kobrinskaya Seed Breeding Station (Belarus, Brest region) has been registered as much as 147 metric centners per ha, with still higher yielding capacity (176 metric centners per ha) having been registered at the Nesvizhskaya Seed Breeding Station (Belarus, Minsk region).
Also, it is to be admitted, Company MAIS DMS Super maize hybrid has shown, within harvesting at the Mozyrskaya Seed Breeding Station (Belarus, Gomel region), 18.7% grain moisture content. For the Belarus climatic conditions, hybrids having such genetic characteristics will be of a particular importance in grain production.
Besides, the State Commission experts have additionally noted the high quality of the Company MAIS commerce maize hybrids (homogeneity index, hybridity level) presently imported to Belarus to be sown for grain and for silage.

Research and Production Farm Economy Company MAIS is a developer of maize basic breeding forms and commercial hybrids as well as producer of wide range of seeds of maize heterotic forms for seed markets of Ukraine and European countries.
Company carries out its own maize breeding programs’ development since 1992 and so within over 20 years’ activity period has created its own genetic bank (containing a few thousand breeding samples). Company’s maize lines and hybrids are officially registered and are patent-protected.
Company MAIS has brought to the Ukrainian and global seeds’ markets about 100 maize hybrids of different maturity groups (FAO 160-FAO 500). Company MAIS hybrids are registered in Ukraine, Russian Federation, Belarus and European Union.
Company’s production facilities consist of 3 seeds’ plants (situated in Ukrainian central and western regions, provided with modern equipment produced by European and US producers (Petkus, Westrup). Company has its own licensed laboratory to assure seed quality control.
Company MAIS is a member of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) and the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA).

Mais press service


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