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Invitation to visit TERRA FOOD booth at SIAL 2016 in Paris

TERRA FOOD company invites you to visit our booth on October 16–20th, 2016 at ‘SIAL 2016’ in Paris — the most affluent food industry exhibition in Europe. On exhibition TERRA FOOD will present the quality of Ukrainian dairy products of own manufacture: blended and full fat butter, hard cheese, processed cheese, cheese products, UHT-yogurts and chocolate paste ChocoNutto. Company’s booth is located in pavilion ¹1, booth A 094 (Ukrainian exposition B 105). SIAL 2016 takes place in Paris Nord Villepinte (70 Roissy Cedex France).

SIAL exhibition it’s a large authoritative event for all world food industry specialists. The accent of the exhibition is made on innovations and inspiring ideas for businesses. From the year 1964, SIAL has become the traditional gathering place for food industry professionals of all perspective markets, business negotiations, international contracts conclusion. The even is also an exclusive access to whole sale sellers, retail chains and supermarkets. In 2016, more than 6’500 companies will participate from 105 ñcountries, in 8 pavilions of total area of 215 000 m2.

TERRA FOOD Company is ¹1 Ukrainian dairy products manufacturer. It is an absolute leader in production and distribution of packaged butter, and a leader in blended butter and premium dairy products manufacturing in Ukraine. TERRA FOOD integrates the dairy activities of TERRA FOOD GROUP OF COMPANIES — one of the biggest Ukrainian vertically integrated holdings, which develops the business in three sectors (dairy, meat and agriculture), with production facilities not only in Ukraine. TERRA FOOD production facilities include 19 factories. The company is a strong player on international market and our products are exported to more than 40 countries in the world.

TERRA FOOD Company is part of the dairy activities of TERRA FOOD GROUP OF COMPANIES, which is the leader in production & trading in Ukraine. TERRA FOOD GROUP OF COMPANIES operates in three business sectors- dairy, meat and agricultural. Today TERRA FOOD is an absolute leader in key categories of dairy sector in Ukraine: #1 in dairy products manufacturing, #1 in packaged butter production, #1 in blended butter production, #1 in premium segment of dairy products production. The group exports its products to more than 40 countries in the world, among them are Moldova, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Balkans and countries of MENA and Asia.


Press Release
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