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Ukraine participated the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) 30th Congress

Ukrainian representatives took part in the 30th Seed Congress of the International Seed Testing Association (ISTA) held in Antalya (Turkey) within this year June 12–18.

The Congress (which has been held each three years since ISTA founding in 1924) was participated by the representatives of over 60 countries. 30 countries presented their seed quality research papers. Within 5 sessions of the Congress, participants presented over 150 research papers during their speeches and poster reports.
ISTA laboratory, accredited in Ukraine, was represented by Vasyl Pryhodko (Director of the Seed Breeding Control Department of the Ukrainian State Agriculture Inspection); besides, Ukraine was also represented by Victoria Borisova and Victor Borisov (MAIS),

In the photo (from left to right):
Vasyl Pryhodko (Director of the Seed Breeding Control Department of the Ukrainian State Agriculture Inspection)
Benny Kaufman, ISTA new executive director
Victoria Borisova (MAIS)
Victor Borisov (MAIS)

During the Congress, problems of the role of the quality assessment in the seed production process and of the specifics of the commercial seed lots’ storage were examined; besides, issues of genetic resources’ banks (as well as of the physiological, biochemical and molecular markers of seed quality; the most advanced methods of the seed quality assessment; improvement of a series of the seed physiological characteristics such as seed germination and vigor or response to various types of stress) were also considered.
In addition, meetings and group discussions on topical issues were held in the technical committees of the Association (in part., in the modern technology committee, sampling rules’ committee, GMO committee and many others).
The Congress gave the participants the opportunity to obtain the information on the latest advances in the assessment of the seed quality, made it possible to talk informally and exchange views as well as discuss the variants of the new ideas on mutual cooperation. The participants also had the opportunity to enjoy the Turkey’s magnificent nature and generous hospitality.
It is to be admitted, recently Ukraine has got a laboratory accredited up to the ISTA standards; Ukraine has been authorized to issue an orange ISTA international standard certificate on the commercial seed lots. Now similar laboratories work in 70 countries around the world (in part., 7 in France and 4 in Russia).
«As of now, the world is getting smaller with the distances constantly reducing, so the problem of the standards’ proper understanding and compliance in the world’s different countries is becoming still more urgent. Thus, the Association tries to find a compromise between scientific progress in the sphere of the seed quality and the possibility of standardization, — because not every country can afford to provide an ultramodern laboratory equipped with the latest technology. Thus, new norms and standards are being developed so that the countries with different levels of economic development should have an equal access to them,» plant breeder Victor Borisov (MAIS) admits.
It is to be reminded, now MAIS alongside with seed production also conducts scientific research on the genetic identification and certification of the maize breeding samples using modern biotechnology programs.
By the way, laboratory genetic research for MAIS is performed by the world-famous U.S. laboratory BioDiagnostics, where the newly appointed Executive Director of ISTA Benny Kaufman had earlier worked.
Mr. Kaufman is an internationally recognized authority in the sphere of modern genetic studies, he worked in multinational seed companies.
Genetic identification of the pedigree seed, performed by BioDiagnostics with the participation of Mr. Kaufman for MAIS in 2010 and next years, has become the basis for the MAIS advanced plant breeding programs.
Since now on, Ukraine jointly with ISTA will continue to work on the concept of the «uniformity of the assessment of the seed quality in the world», — what is the main goal of the Association and is to stimulate the international and domestic seed trade facilitation in the future. Thus, Ukraine will contribute to ensuring of the global food security.

For reference:

Research and Production Farm Economy Company Mais is one of those Ukrainian leading private research centers specializing in maize breeding which have a complete closed cycle of seeds’ production: from performing research works on hybrid maize development and creation up to seeds’ production and self-dependent sales.
Within 20 years of its active development, Mais has brought to the markets of Ukraine and other countries over 60 maize hybrids (FAO 160-FAO 500 maturity groups) suitable for growing in all soil-climatic zones of maize cultivation; hybrids are characterized with high productivity, drought resistance and high speed of grains’ drying within ripening period.
Since 1999, Mais is the only associate member of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) among all CIS countries.


Press Release
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