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MAIS and EBRD signed a cooperation agreement within the frameworks of the EGP and BAS Programs

Ukrainian plant breeding company Mais (Synelnykove, Dnipropetrovsk region) and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) have launched a cooperation within the frameworks of the Enterprise Growth Program (EGP) and Business Advisory Services Program (BAS).
The Enterprise Growth Program (EGP) and the Business Advisory Services (BAS) are targeted at provision of advisory services to companies for advancing their business under conditions of the competitive market economy.
In the framework of cooperation it is planned to make structural changes in Company Mais in order to bring it to the business format of international companies as well as to introduce the system of the production process management, creating the marketing policy and automating the accounting and reporting. Besides, the cooperation is also aimed at solving such an important task as adjustment of a new system of production standards and finished products’ certification, and technological processes’ modernization, so that production should comply with European Union requirements on quality, energy saving policy and environment protection.
«EBRD having supported our company at its current stage of development is quite a positive factor as it helps us to obtain new knowledge and experience and, undoubtedly, enhance our company’s investment attractiveness,» Mais long-standing chairman Viktor Borysov says.

For reference:

Company Mais is one of those Ukrainian leading private research centers specializing in maize breeding which have a complete closed cycle of seeds’ production: from performing research works on hybrid maize development and creation up to seeds’ production and self-dependent sales.
Within 20 years of its active development, Company Mais has brought to the markets of Ukraine and other countries over 60 maize hybrids (FAO 160-FAO 500 maturity groups) suitable for growing in all soil-climatic zones of maize cultivation; hybrids are characterized with high productivity, drought resistance and high speed of grains’ drying within ripening period.
Since 1999, Mais is the only associate member of the American Seed Trade Association (ASTA) among all CIS countries.


Press Release
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