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09:30 There is increase of flour production in Ukraine
09:29 The production of groats begins to be restored
09:28 The price for barley continues to increase on the world market
09:29 The estimations of grain production are increased in Kazakhstan
09:28 Iran reduces wheat import
09:24 The August report USDA became a reason of increase of the prices for wheat on the world market
11:20 The sharp decrease of the prices for grain is observed in western areas of Ukraine
11:19 The increase of production of rapeseed is expected in Baltic states
11:18 The statistical office of Czechia reduced the forecasts for rapeseed production
11:18 The prices for sunflower oil are reduced in Argentina
11:17 There are a sky-high export prices of fodder in Ukraine
09:55 10,7mt of grain-crops already harvested in Ukraine
09:37 It is harvested less than 50 ths MT of rapeseed in Slovakia
09:34 The Chinese government constrains the import of soybean in China
09:32 It is harvested about 7.23 mn MT of grain in Ukraine
16:01 The level of indicative prices for oilseeds did not changed in Ukraine in August 2003
15:59 Indonesian palm oil will be delivered in Russia
15:58 EC reduced the import duties for rye and sorghum
14:30 The prices for wheat are gradually reduced in Ukraine
14:29 The export prices of fodder continue to increase in Ukraine
10:10 The grain production should increase in Australia
10:08 The increase of production winter grain in India is predicted
12:32 Romania cancelled the import duty for wheat
12:31 ONIC predicts fall of soft wheat production in EU
11:49 The groats’ prices this year might be reduced
11:43 Kyrylenko forecasts an insignificant export of grain from Ukraine in 2003/2004 marketing year
12:45 The Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada has permitted to borrow at the external market $112,5 US for financing of the grain purchases
11:27 The Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada has fixed the zero rate for the grain import until the 1-t of November, 2003
11:23 The Kyiv City Administration is carrying on the groats and sugar intervention
17:04 The prospects of the sunflower production in Ukraine in 2003/2004
11:18 The prices for grain are promptly reduced after stiff growth in Ukraine
12:36 The Cabinet of the Ministers of Ukraine decided to purchase 12.4 ths MT of sowing seeds for reserve seed stock in 2003
12:35 There is a stiff price increase for flour in Ukraine
14:26 The procurement prices for food wheat were increased by 150-200 UAH/MT in Ukraine within a week
14:24 The Cabinet of the Ministers of Ukraine has established the mortgage prices for grain crop 2003
14:23 The wholesale prices for sugar have exceeded 3000 UAH/MT in Ukraine
15:59 The Ukrainian import of wheat flour is reduced, and the Ukrainian import of rye flour is augmented
15:58 The Ukrainian grain import sharply increased in May 2003
15:56 The Ukrainian grain export decreased in May
10:47 The production of groats has decreased by 21% in Ukraine
10:46 The Ukrainian flour production has decreased by 20% because of huge flour import in Ukraine
10:43 The Ukrainian export of bran are reduced
10:42 The foreign malt trade becomes more active
10:40 The Ukrainian export of groats continues to reduce
10:21 The asked prices for peas come down for the reason of high offer of peas in Ukraine
13:01 The Ukrainian grain import has exceeded Ukrainian grain export in April 2003
13:16 The Ukrainian grain export continues to fall
13:15 The Ukrainian import of flour has exceeded the level of 30 ths MT per one month
15:29 Rye import has sharply increased in Ukraine
15:20 The Ukrainian wheat import has increased in 5 times more than in April 2003
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