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08:41 May milk import up 67%, to 5 MT
17:40 As of May, yogurts import lowered by 2%, down to 576 MT
17:04 May canned milk export up 33%, to 1,622 MT
16:03 In May milk export declined by 8%, down to 908 MT
15:37 As of May, cream import fell by 52%, down to 30 MT
15:01 Within May cream export dropped by 38%, down to 5 MT
14:54 As of May, cheese import lowered by 2%, down to 673 MT
14:00 As of May, butter export boosted by 2 times, up to 112 MT
12:54 Within May canned milk import dropped by 43%, down to 71 MT
11:53 May whey powder import up 7%, to 160 MT
10:53 May fermented milk products export up 37%, to 248 MT
09:53 In May cheese export declined by 7%, down to 5,372 MT
08:52 As of May, whey powder export improved by 2,4 times, up to 1,220 MT
14:10 In May cream output lifted by 19%, up to 1,472 MT
13:10 May rennet cheese output up 20%, to 22,851 MT
12:09 As of May, processed cheese output lowered by 23%, down to 2,784 MT
11:09 May non-flavored yogurts output up 15%, to 174 MT
10:08 May flavored yogurts output up 4%, to 6,574 MT
09:08 As of May, casein/caseinates output boosted 3,5 times, up to 833 MT
09:50 In Jan-May agrarians sold grapes at average UAH1,925 per MT
08:49 As of Jan-May, agrarians sold rape at average UAH2,091 per MT
08:09 Agrarians Jan-May maize sales averaged UAH754,5 per MT
17:50 Agrarians Jan-May rape sales totaled 44,617 MT rape
17:48 As of Jan-May, agrarians sold 147,611 MT soybeans
17:25 In Jan-May agrarians grew potatoes sales up 1.5%, to 54,116 MT
17:05 Within Jan-May agrarians boosted vegetables sales up 64.2%, to 146,434 MT
16:47 As of Jan-May, agrarians sold soybeans at average UAH2,487 per MT
15:47 Agrarians Jan-May potatoes sales averaged UAH1,628 per MT
14:14 Agrarians Jan-May sugar sales averaged UAH2,856 per MT
13:13 In Jan-May agrarians sold vegetables at average UAH3,867 per MT
12:13 As of Jan-May, agrarians sunseeds sales averaged UAH1,775 per MT
11:12 Within Jan-May agrarians raised sunseeds sales up 5,5 times, to 1,408.247 MT
10:50 As of Jan-May, agrarians sold 2,936.679 MT maize
09:12 Within Jan-May agrarians shortened sugar sales by 19.8%, down to 159,531 MT
08:11 Agrarians Jan-May grapes sales up 10.8%, to 3,835 MT
11:33 Within Jan-May agrarians boosted sunoil sales up 2,4 times, to 9,340 MT
10:33 Within Jan-May agrarians raised eggs sales up 10.4%, to 3.339.205 mn
17:31 Within Jan-May agrarians grew milk/dairy products sales up 10.1%, to 779,673 MT
17:00 As of Jan-May, agrarians sold sunoil at average UAH4,775 per MT
16:30 In Jan-May agrarians sold eggs at average UAH346,9 per thousand
16:00 Agrarians Jan-May milk/dairy products sales averaged UAH1,859 per MT
14:11 Agrarians Jan-May cattle sales down 19.4%, to 83,899 MT
13:11 As of Jan-May, agrarians raised cattle/poultry sales by 9.6%, up to 352,565 MT
12:10 Agrarians Jan-May pigs sales down 14%, to 103,342 MT
11:10 Agrarians Jan-May pigs sales averaged UAH14,776 per MT
09:49 In Jan-May agrarians sold poultry at average UAH9,460 per MT
09:09 In Jan-May agrarians sold cattle at average UAH9,112 per MT
14:16 Within Jan-May agrarians raised barley sales up 3 times, to 1.04 mn MT
13:15 As of Jan-May, agrarians shortened cattle/poultry sales by 1.2%, down to 541,865 MT
12:15 Within Jan-May agrarians raised rye sales up 6,6 times, to 144,505 MT
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