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13:02 In Jan-May agrarians sold vegetables at average UAH7,090 per MT
12:48 Ukraine threshes over 460,000 tons of grain
12:16 Russia and the U.S. to settle all outstanding differences over the WTO issue
12:10 As of Jan-May, agrarians lifted potatoes average sale price to UAH2,181 per MT
11:43 Corn Demand by South Korea May Climb 5% on Recovery
11:28 Agrarians Jan-May soybeans sales averaged UAH2,855 per MT
11:17 Brazil - Meat and grain exports to increase by 40%
10:49 USDA Amends GSM-102 Credit Guarantees for Export Sales to the Central American Region
10:31 Council of 1890s Land Grant Universities See New Opportunities for Collaboration with Companies and Organizations
10:04 In Jan-May agrarians sold rape at average UAH2,648 per MT
09:59 A cup of tea for food security
09:42 Agrarians Jan-May grapes sales averaged UAH2,102 per MT
09:37 Seeds for 100 000 farmers in Burkina Faso
14:39 Within Jan-May agrarians slowed sunseeds sale rates by 22.5%, down to 1,091.616 MT
13:42 Within Jan-May agrarians sagged rape sales by 19%, down to 36,280 MT
13:23 Brazil tariff suspension provides opportunity for U.S. wheat
13:10 As of Jan-May, agrarians cut vegetables sales by 31%, down to 100,645 MT
12:57 Ukraine harvested 120 thsd tonnes of winter crops
12:39 Pakistan. Ban on wheat export being lifted for one month
12:35 As of Jan-May, agrarians boosted soybeans sales by 31%, up to 193,453 MT
12:27 Brazil - More beef for European Union
11:57 GM seed ban overturned by US Supreme Court
11:30 Philippines might raise planned sugar imports by 50,000 tonnes
11:14 As of Jan-May, agrarians grew potatoes sales by 8.4%, up to 58,659 MT
10:58 AgriBank to Raise Up to $11.4 Billion in Hong Kong Stock Sale
10:32 Kvass: from Russia with love
10:07 Agrarians Jan-May grapes sales up 57%, to 6,016 MT
09:42 The Coca-Cola Company invites Californians to experience the fountain of the future
09:37 The Vinnytsya fat-and-oil plant is going to increase its sunseed crushing capacity
09:11 Confusion on the Roundup Ready® Alfalfa Decision
13:42 Within Jan-May companies sold pigs at average UAH12,713 per MT
13:25 Canadian durum area seen down 38%, canola record high
13:10 In Jan-May agrarians sold poultry at average UAH9,844 per MT
12:51 U.S. corn shipment cleared for discharge at Chinese port
12:49 Argentina: 2010 biodiesel supply and demand
12:25 GEA to relocate headquarters within North Rhine-Westphalia
12:17 As of Jan-May, companies sold sunoil at average UAH6,000 per MT
11:56 French investors to lease land in Omsk Region
11:42 Agrarians Jan-May sugar sales averaged UAH5,559 per MT
11:35 Guatemalan agriculture needs 47 mln USD aid due to storm damage
11:07 Soybeans, Corn, Wheat Decline as Warm Weather Aids U.S. Crops
10:48 U.S. Corn Shipment Cleared for Discharge at Chinese Port, No Delay: USGC Reports
10:22 In Jan-May agrarians sold milk/dairy products at average UAH2,833 per MT
10:19 Nestlé releases 2nd Millennium Development Goals report at UN Global Compact Summit
10:04 Agrarians Jan-May eggs sales averaged UAH517,6 per thousand
09:53 Monsanto Company Sets Webcast and Analyst/Media Call for 2010 Third-Quarter Financial Results
09:28 USA: Egg production slightly up on year in Jan.-May 2010
09:27 Some regulation of food futures markets desirable
14:51 Within Jan-May agrarians slowed sunoil sale rates by 48%, down to 4,814 MT
14:37 Agrarians Jan-May milk/dairy products sales up 1.5%, to 791,250 MT
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