After a rather continuous rise of prices the last week was marked by relative stability of the price level of grain, that is connected to increase of the proposals of the goods at the market, especially food wheat. It is necessary to notice, the increase of demand in ports for corn and as a corollary, rise of
27.11.2002 “OILSEEDS” Ukrainian market
As of November 1 agricultural producers harvested 3.34 Mln.MT of sunflowerseed. According to the data of Goscomstat, the average yield of sunflowerseed is at
During the last week both the processors and the exporters increased the procurement prices of the wheat and barley. The prices of the corn gradually begin to restore, that is connected to the beginning of the active shipments
20.11.2002 NEW INFORMATION PRODUCT AGRA WEEK UKRAINE. All about ukrainian agricultural comodity market!!!
18.11.2002 OILSEEDS. Ukrainian market
During the week the growth of the procurement prices of the market operators for sunseed was observed almost in all regions of Ukraine. It is connected to decreasing of unsold volumes of sunseed in Ukraine. Some producers and traders
15.11.2002 GRAINS. UKRAINIAN MARKET (Food processing companies activity)
The procurement prices for grain in western areas practically have not changed.
15.11.2002 GRAINS. UKRAINIAN INTERNAL MARKET (export - oriented companies activity)
During the last week the procurement prices for grain practically have not changed. Just the procurement prices for feed barley have increased. In the same time the prices for corn and rye have slightly decreased.
08.11.2002 “EXCHANGES”
Spot prices for agricultural products on Ukrainian exchanges October 17- 23, 2002
The Ukrainian market of sugar during the week was characterized by a rise in prices for sugar. The average growth of the prices for sugar was 30-50 UAH/MT.
08.11.2002 MEAT. Ukrainian market
Ukrainian import of birds meat amounted to 54.57 Ths T within Jahuary-September of the current year. It is in 2,1 times more, than for similar period of the