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Ukrainian oilseeds market
Within last week Ukrainian domestic market sunseeds prices practically haven’t changed. Demand prices averaged UAH1450-1520/t (CPT plant)/UAH1400-1470/t (EXW), while average sale prices were correspondingly UAH1550-1600/t (CPT plant)/UAH1500-1550/t (EXW).
Ukrainian Grain Market
Feed barley prices remain stable, fluctuating just slightly depending on lot volumes. Domestic barley reserves are small, especially in Southern regions. Substantial expenditures for barley transportation from Northern/Central regions (wherein feed barley supply still remains more or less active) to Southern regions ports don’t permit ex - elevator prices to grow actively.
Ukrainian oilseeds market
Within last week Ukrainian domestic market sunseeds prices practically haven’t changed. Demand prices averaged UAH1450-1530/t (CPT plant)/UAH1400-1470/t (EXW), while average sale prices were UAH1550-1600/t (CPT plant)/UAH1500-1550/t (EXW). As earlier, there were no active purchases, due to low margin caused mainly by low export prices. Processors try to raise sunseeds quality demand.
Ukrainian market rewiew. Grains and grain products
There were no Ukrainian grain market substantial prices fluctuations within last week.
Maize prices have finally started recovering, due to Company Nibulon maize grain active purchasing. Feed wheat/barley prices have as well started gradually scaling up. Food wheat continues, slowly but surely, getting cheaper.
Ukrainian oilseeds market
Ukrainian domestic market sunseeds prices have declined this week. Demand prices averaged UAH1450-1500/t (CPT plant)/UAH1400-1450/t (EXW), while average sale prices were UAH1550-1600/t (CPT plant)/UAH1500-1550/t (EXW). As earlier, there were no active purchases, due to low margin caused mainly by low export prices. Processors try to raise sunseeds quality demand.
Ukrainian Grain Market
There were no Ukrainian grain market substantial prices fluctuations within last week. Maize prices fall has finally stopped, while wheat/barley prices have even slightly grown. There were no food grain market situation significant changes.
Ukrainian Grain Market
There was no active trade on Ukrainian market last week. Most exporters
are interested in barley purchasing, yet barley supply remains low. Interest to feed wheat/maize remains low, due to prices decline. Processors continue raising food wheat prices. Rye prices remain stable.
Recently the operators of the Ukrainian dairy market have calmed down slightly. The several changes of legislation on livestock farming, which were planed by Ukrainian government and lawmakers, are very far from introduction in the real life since the beginning of the New Year. So the activation of the Law „About milk and dairy products”, that could cancel the subsidies for the producers of animal products by VAT, is postponed. The deferment is explained by the difficult current situation in this branch of industry.
Ukrainian oilseeds market
This week Ukrainian market was characterized with sunseeds prices decline. It is to be admitted, declined were mainly processors/traders demand prices (due to sunoil/sun.pell prices lowering). Sellers were lowering prices reluctantly, what resulted in rather slack sunseeds trade. Demand prices averaged UAH1550-1580/t (CPT plant)/UAH1500-1520/t (EXW), while sale prices were UAH1620-1650/t (CPT plant)/UAH1600-1620/t (EXW).
Ukrainian Grain Market
After main New Year Holidays ending most traders have resumed working; most processors, however, continue to have vacations until Jan 17. Though presently just a few flour millers are purchasing food wheat, its prices have started to grow rapidly, due to grain supply absence. Food rye prices have as well grown up, though not so much. Wheat flour sale prices have also started rising.

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