As of this week, country domestic market faced decline of most dairy products’ prices, what is to be explained mainly with producers’ warehouses having
become overstocked with unsold dairy products within recent May holidays characterized with very low sale rates.
Thus, within this week Ukrainian domestic/export markets’ butter prices have lowered: thus, Ukrainian domestic market block butter (72.5%, DSTU) prices
have sagged to UAH3336 per kg (down 1.4% against previous week), export market to US$3,1003,500 per MT (down 2.9% as of last week). Within this week
Ukrainian domestic/export markets’ butter demand has got slackened against previous week. Within this week producers’ unsold butter reserves have grown
against previous week.
Within reporting week Ukrainian home/foreign markets’ SMP prices have declined: thus, this week SMP home market prices have lowered to UAH2024 per kg,
down 4.4% against previous week (export to US$2,2002,600 per MT, down 4.0% as of last week).
As earlier, within this week Ukrainian home market SMP sale rates remained low.
In meanwhile, within reporting week Ukrainian internal market casein prices have sagged to UAH6470 per kg, down 5.0% against previous week. This week
external market prices ranged within US$6,5007,000 per MT. It is to be admitted, within this week Ukrainian external market casein demand was low. As of
this week, our country casein output faced seasonal growth; besides, producers’ casein unsold reserves have boosted against previous week.
As earlier, within this week Ukrainian domestic/export casein markets were pressed down by Belarus casein export low prices/high offer.
Within reporting week Ukrainian domestic/export markets’ cheese prices remained unchanged against previous week: thus, domestic market cheese prices ranged
UAH4754 per kg (export US$5,3005,900 per MT). As of this week, Ukrainian producers’ unsold cheese reserves continued growing. Ukrainian producers
didn’t make any cheese shipments to RF within this week as RF authorities still haven’t given them permissions.
Within reporting week Ukrainian internal/foreign markets’ WMP demand remained slack; so this week WMP prices remained unchanged as of last week: internal
market UAH3637 per kg, foreign market US$3,5003,600 per MT. There were no domestic/export WMP sales within this week.
Within reporting week Ukrainian home/export markets’ whey prices have fallen: thus, home market demineralized whey prices have sagged to UAH8,509,2 per
kg, down 6.4% against previous week (export to US$860900 per MT, down 4.9% as of last week); domestic market classic whey prices have lowered to
UAH7,88,2 per kg, down 8.1% against previous week (export to US$800850 per MT, down 2.4% as of last week).
As of this week, producers’ unsold whey reserves have grown against previous week.
It is to be admitted, within this week Ukrainian export market whey demand was very low (esp. demineralized whey).
As earlier, within this week Ukrainian whey output faced seasonal growth.