UAH official exchange rate (up to National Bank of Ukraine) against
several foreign currencies
100 US$
100 EUR
10 RUB
While speaking in Inter TV channel interview within last week, Ukrainian Minister of Agrarian Policy and Food Mykola Prysiazhniuk admitted each
year Ukraine exports in total 80,000 MT cheese to 16 countries (incl. 65,000 MT to RF).
As to Minister, those 3 Ukrainian cheese plants whose ready products had been recently prohibited by Rospotrebnadzor to be imported to RF,
assure over 30% of Ukrainian total cheeses’ export to RF.
«That is, ban on these 3 plants’ export shipments is a significant, but not catastrophic event. There is nothing shocking about it. Thus, we all have
seen Japan has recently prohibited agricultural products’ import from world developed countries,» recapitulated Minister.
In meanwhile, within reporting week Ukrainian home/export dairy products’ markets demand remained, as earlier, slack; all dairy products’ reserves on
producers’ warehouses have been growing up. Besides, as of recent, dairy products’ prices on RF/Belarus domestic markets have declined, what has
pressed down our country’s home/export markets’ dairy products prices within this week.
Due to RF ban on import of several Ukrainian kinds of cheeses, within reporting week our country’s domestic market cheese prices have declined to
UAH5054 per kg, down 1% against previous week (export market to US$5,6005,900 per MT, down 1.3% as of last week). Within this week Ukrainian
producers’ unsold cheese reserves were growing up; at same time, domestic/foreign markets’ demand remained slack.
In meanwhile, within reporting week Ukrainian home market SMP prices have sagged to UAH2630 per kg, down 3.4% against previous week (export to
US$2,6503,200 per MT, down 0.7% as of last week).
Within reporting week Ukrainian internal/foreign markets’ WMP demand remained low; so this week WMP prices remained unchanged as of last week: internal
market UAH3637 per kg, foreign market US$3,5003,600 per MT. It is to be admitted, our country’s internal/foreign markets’ milk powder prices have
declined not only due to domestic/export demand decline, but also owning to many butter/cheese producers having switched to SMP/WMP output.
Within reporting week Ukrainian domestic market casein prices have declined to UAH7579 per kg, down 0.6% against previous week (export prices
remained unchanged US$8,5008,700 per MT). As of this week, Ukrainian export market casein was low.
This week Ukrainian casein output remained slack; producers’ unsold casein reserves were low.
As earlier, within this week RF/Belarus domestic markets’ low butter prices continued pressing down Ukrainian home/export markets’ butter prices.
That’s why Ukrainian export market butter demand continued lowering, resulting in home market butter prices’ corresponding decline. Besides, prices’
decline on EU and Oceania countries’ domestic markets has appeared to be one more factor to force down Ukrainian butter prices within this week. As of
this week, Ukrainian home market butter prices fluctuated within UAH37,839,0 per kg (export US$3,7003,970 per MT).
Within reporting week Ukrainian home/export markets’ whey prices remained same as within previous week. Within this week Ukrainian home/export
markets’ demineralized whey demand has slackened as of last week.
Within this week our country producers’ unsold demineralized whey reserves have been boosting up; as of these week, home market demineralized whey
prices ranged within UAH9,810,3 per kg (export US$9901,030 per MT).
Within this week Ukrainian domestic market classic whey prices ranged within UAH9,559,8 per kg (export US$940950 per MT).
It is to be admitted, Ukrainian cheese output decline hasn’t provoked our country’s whey domestic/export prices’ growth, what is to be explained with
Belarus/RF domestic markets’ whey low prices.