As earlier, within reporting week Ukrainian domestic rape market remained rather passive, though traders have grown their purchase prices up UAH50 per MT against previous week.
As of this week, country home market rape purchase prices ranged within UAH3,990–4,090 per MT (EXW)/UAH4,200–4,350 per MT (CPT).
Within reporting week Ukrainian rape export prices were US$565–575 per MT (FOB Black Sea ports).
As to Ministry of Agrarian Policy and Food data, within autumn 2011 Ukrainian agrarians had sown winter rape at 962,000 ha.
However, Ministry says winter rape didn’t sprout at 203,000 ha (or 21% total) due to autumn drought. That is, only 760,000 ha remained safe before
wintering period beginning. However, almost 35% of these area (260,000 ha) have started wintering period in weak condition, their winter hardiness is
very low, — so experts say at least half of them (about 100,000–150,000 ha) are most likely not to live through wintering period. Thus, within this
season Ukrainian rape output will be significantly down against previous seasons.